
Our Passion for Sustainbility

We are privileged to have a location in one of the most naturally beautiful and diverse parts of the British Isles, here in the Devon market town of Tavistock, at the gateway to Dartmoor National Park and the Tamar Valley National Landscape. As with any business, our activities have an impact on the environment in which we operate - but we strive to keep our footprint as light as can be.

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As professional, responsible hoteliers and restaurateurs, we have embedded sustainability in every aspect of our business, from recycling, waste reduction and waste management, through to energy reduction measures to further reduce our carbon footprint.

Our waste is carefully segregated to maximise recycling – particularly when it comes to food waste, packaging and glass.

Our food waste goes to a state-of-the-art anaerobic digester, which produces energy for the national grid, and fertiliser for use in crop production.

We have phased out single use plastics in our hotel bathrooms, by providing high quality guest toiletries in refillable dispensers instead.

Bottled water in our hotel bedrooms has been replaced with refreshing chilled tap water in insulated jugs (and our tap water comes from the beautiful Burrator Reservoir on Dartmoor).

Naturally we have implemented low-energy lighting throughout the hotel, and we continually upgrade our heating and hot water systems to ensure they are as efficient as possible.

We reduce food miles (and provide exceptional dining experiences) by sourcing local food ingredients from Devon's farmers, fishermen and producers. We know our suppliers well, and we recognise their ethical farming, fishing and production practices. 

Herbs from our ancient Walled Garden provide a valuable contribution to our larder too.

We have charging facililties for electric vehicles, and for our guests arriving on two wheels we have ample undercover cycle storage.

We look forward to welcoming you to The Bedford Hotel, and introducing you to our glorious county of Devon. We also invite you to do your own bit for sustainability when you come to visit, perhaps by using public transport options where you can, and through simple steps such as reusing your towels as you would at home, and separating your waste so that we can recycle it for you.